Saturday, July 3, 2010

Life As It Is

Haven't been blogging for quite some while, I've been busy with work, life, friends, colleagues etc etc etc... Just realized that I've been working for IBM for nine months now, and I've finally gotten comfortable in working. During the first few months, it was a struggle, being unfamiliar with what I do plus the barricade between me and my colleagues, it really was terrible. But for the past one or two months, it has been a terrific ride. First, going to Tioman Island with colleagues helped alot, then after that I felt I was growing close to them. Now, I finally feel that I'm part of this team, or in my words, this family.

I've gotten myself a beagle too, as part of my big plan for my life, I'll be having another blog for that in the future, after I finish this quarter's closing. Can you believe it? This is my third quarter closing already. Plus, I'm starting to think of alternative roles to take on after I complete my 2 years in the Sectors team. Well, let's see how it goes I guess...